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Hazardous Chemicals: Banned Toxic Chemical Found In School Supplies

hazardous-chemicals-school-supplies Pencils, backpacks, erasers oh my! Back to school time is always a chaotic time in homes that have school aged children. From back to school nights to meet new teachers, to school shopping in order to get those perfect stylish new sneakers and jeans, sometimes it can be just pure craziness. And, not to add to the worries and fears of anxious children and parents, but a new study should have you more worried about what all those costly products are made of, rather than the price tag of each.

Apparently based on an article from Medical News Today, high levels of toxic phthalates, which are banned in toys and are associated with birth defects, ADHD, obesity, behavioral problems and asthma, have been found in 75% of children’s back-to-school supplies, a new report issued by the Center for Health, Environment & Justice, the Empire State Consumer Project, and Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY).

The school supplies were tested in a laboratory, and even seemingly harmless products, such as Dora, Spiderman and Disney branded lunchboxes, rainboots, raincoats, backpacks, and 3-ring binders were found to have elevated levels of phthalates.

There is serious concern about the long-term consequences for children’s health. These toxins are banned from usage in children’s toys, and many wonder why they have been allowed in other kids’ products.

The new report, authored by Mike Schade, is titled “Hidden Hazards: Toxic Chemicals Inside Children’s Vinyl Back-to-School Supplies”.

Schade said:

“Our investigation found elevated levels of toxic phthalates widespread in children’s school supplies, including Disney and Spider-Man lunchboxes and backpacks. These hazardous chemicals manufactured by Exxon Mobil have no place in our children’s school supplies.

Unfortunately, while phthalates have been banned in children’s toys, similar safeguards don’t yet exist to keep them out of lunchboxes, backpacks and other children’s school supplies. It’s time for Congress to move forward and pass the Safe Chemicals Act to protect our children from toxic exposure.”

Judy Braiman, from the Empire State Consumer Project, said “It is disturbing that millions of young children are being exposed to these toxic chemicals with no enforcement to protect them.”

Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), who was present when the report was released, said:

“School supplies are supposed to help our children with their education, they shouldn’t be harming their health. We don’t allow high levels of these toxic chemicals in children’s toys and we certainly shouldn’t allow them in back-to-school products. When kids take their lunch to school this fall, they shouldn’t be carrying it in a lunchbox laden with anything other than a nutritious meal, packed by mom.”

In a letter to the White House Office of Management and Budget, Schumer stressed the importance of classifying phthalates as “chemicals that present or may present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment.” Schumer co-sponsors the Safe Chemicals Act.

Robert Jackson, a Council Member and Chair of the Education Committee said that as parents, family members of schoolchildren, and teachers, we cannot go on allowing dangerous chemicals to contaminate our children’s school supplies. He added that phthalates have been linked to serious chronic diseases and conditions, including cancer, obesity and asthma.

Hazardous Chemicals Information

For more information on toxic exposure and hazardous chemicals please visit



Principal & Founder
This article was written by Mark Sadaka, a seasoned trial lawyer in nationally significant cases. He fearlessly champions clients impacted by fatal or severe injuries caused by others or corporations. Renowned for his expertise in complex litigation, he's featured in books, sought after by media for interviews, and a highly sought speaker. Notably, he exclusively represents individuals facing life-changing injuries or substantial financial losses.

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