You have a limited time
to file a claim.

Defective Products Attorney

Manufacturers, designers, and distributors have the duty to ensure that the products they sell are safe.

a burnt mobile phone with a charger connected

Every year corporations fail the American public by putting out defective products that cause thousands of injuries and even deaths.

If you or a loved one were injured by a defective product, you may have legal options and should consult our Englewood, New Jersey defective product lawyers. You only have two-years to file your claim so you must act quickly. Our team at Sadaka Associates are the experienced product liability lawyers you need by your side.

Our team can help you determine if you have a defective product lawsuit. We help our clients negotiate with companies liable for damages, and we’re ready to argue your case in court if we can’t reach a favorable settlement.

Types of Product Defects

The types of product defects that can lead to a product liability lawsuit:

Manufacturing Defects
Sometimes a product is defective when it is put together. This can happen when the material used in the manufacturing is substandard or there is some error in the assembly process. Manufacturing defects are the most common type of product liability lawsuit.

Design Defects
If a product was designed defectively and a safer design was available and cost effective, the company responsible for the design flaw can be held liable in case of injury. Design defect cases are the most complex form of product liability lawsuit.

Labelling Defects
A company can be held liable if it fails to warn about the dangers of using the product or doesn’t provide correct or adequate instructions for the safe use of a product. This type of labelling defect is the most common type of lawsuit against drug companies.

Common Causes of Defective Product Injuries

Examples of products that commonly result in product liability claims include:

  • Auto defects such as defective brakes, sudden acceleration, or airbag, and seatbelt failures can cause injuries.
  • Medical devices such as faulty surgical machines and orthopedic products may cause physical harm.
  • Gardening equipment and power tools such as defective chain saws, snow blowers, lawn equipment, and table saws can injure users.
  • Household chemicals and products can cause respiratory problems and burns from exposure to processing fluids and harsh cleaners.
  • Toys and children’s products may result in injuries from hoverboard accidents, suffocation, choking, amputation, fractured bones, and burns.
  • Home appliances can cause injuries such as electrical shock, gas line explosions, and severe burns.
  • Medicines and recalled prescription drugs may cause medical complications or even death.
  • Contaminated or unsafe supermarket or restaurant foods can cause food poisoning, irritation, and allergic reactions.

Injuries Caused by Defective Products

Choking and Burn Injuries

Toys often contain small parts that can be dangerous. Toys must be suitable for the intended age group. If the toys are designed for older children, the manufacturer should place a clearly labeled safety warning on the box. For example, Walgreens sold a Winnie the Pooh Rattle Set that was recalled due to a choking hazard to the infants for which the product was designed.

There was a product on the market recently that was designed to help infants sleep by rocking them. It was recalled because it was never tested and caused some of these babies to die by suffocation. These instances of negligence harm families in Englewood and around the US every day, and our dedicated legal team is here to help.

Always check the Consumer Products Safety Commission for recalls for baby products –

Adult products should also contain warning labels. Electrical household appliances, such as extension cords and phone chargers, can have damaged wiring. Such appliances may also erupt in flames, which can cause burns.

Fractures, Organ Failures, and Inflammatory Reactions

Defective products can cause fractured or broken bones. In extreme cases, especially with defective medical devices, these defective products can even puncture and destroy organs.

Sometimes prescription drugs cause serious side effects that are not clearly indicated on the label. Prescription drugs can cause lung problems, cardiac arrest, allergic reactions, organ failure, and brain damage.


Automotive defects can cause severe injuries and even death. SUVs with high centers of gravity have rolled over when turning corners, and tires have exploded in vehicles at high speeds. Fuel tanks can catch fire, and defective brakes can cause fatal accidents. Any defective product can cause death.

Why You Need a Defective Product Lawyer​ in Englewood

attorney discussing to a client about defective product lawsuits

If you’re injured by a defective product, you need to consult with a New Jersey defective product lawyer that understands this complex area of law. Products liability law is complex and encompasses a wide range of varying claims, each with its own unique set of challenges. It’s crucial to hire an experienced defective product attorney with the knowledge and resources necessary to prove that a product’s defect caused the injury.

In most cases, people injured by products face companies with nearly unlimited resources. Hiring an experienced defective product lawyer helps level the playing field during negotiations or in the courtroom.

Common mistakes individuals make after being injured by a defective product are:

Not Contacting a Defective Product Lawyer
If you don’t contact a defective product attorney when your accident happens, it’s easy to make mistakes that can cost your compensation.

Destroying the Product
The defective product is the main piece of evidence around which your product liability claim revolves. You should preserve the product, original packaging, instruction manual, and proof of purchase or receipt until you resolve the case.

Not Seeking Medical Care
Even if you sustain a minor injury from a defective product, you should seek medical care right away to establish a record of treatment for your injury.

Hiring a New Jersey Defective Product Attorney

If you’re planning to hire a lawyer to seek damages or compensation for an injury caused by a defective product in New Jersey, you want to choose an attorney with experience in product liability. A defective product lawyer will understand how to collect information, get the facts, and seek compensation from the liable parties.

If you lack experience with product liability negotiation or litigation, it’s crucial to seek professional legal advice. Companies routinely drag their feet and stall the legal process, hoping that an injured consumer or their attorney will seek an early, smaller settlement. And even if you do have experience, hiring a New Jersey defective product lawyer who knows the intricacies of the legal system will help your suit progress much more quickly.

At Sadaka Associates, we have plenty of experience helping our clients seek compensation for injuries sustained from defective products.

From the start of your case, we’ll keep you well informed and updated. We want you to know our exact plans and what to expect throughout the entire process. If you need an attorney with experience in this area of law, feel free to call our office.

Our  Englewood defective product lawyers will combine their extensive experience with expert resources to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. We are prepared to help you seek fair and just compensation for your product liability claim.

Defective Product Lawyer FAQ's

According to New Jersey law, you have two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit in a product defect case. Exceptions apply for death actions and minors, for example, so you must contact a lawyer for legal advice on your specific case as soon as possible if you think you have a potential lawsuit.

In product cases, the most common types of compensatory damages are physical and emotional pain/suffering, medical expenses, disability and impairment, loss of life’s pleasures, and lost wages. In cases where the defective product causes death, additional damages apply as set forth under wrongful death laws.

To succeed in any product liability claim, you must first show that you suffered an actual injury or loss. You must then prove that negligent manufacture, negligent design, or negligence in instructions or warnings was present. You must also show that the alleged defect caused your injuries and demonstrate that you were using the product how it was intended to be used. To enlist the services of our defective product attorneys in New Jersey, call 1-800-810-3457, or fill in the contact form below, and someone from our friendly team will contact you to schedule your free consultation. We’re always here for our clients.

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Principal & Founder
This article was written by Mark Sadaka, a seasoned trial lawyer in nationally significant cases. He fearlessly champions clients impacted by fatal or severe injuries caused by others or corporations. Renowned for his expertise in complex litigation, he's featured in books, sought after by media for interviews, and a highly sought speaker. Notably, he exclusively represents individuals facing life-changing injuries or substantial financial losses.

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