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Clean Water Act Lawsuit Filed Against Orcutt Hill Oil Operation


A hazardous checmical lawsuit has been filed against Pacific Coast Energy Company LP. It alleges that the company has violated the Clean Water Act—a law passed in 1972 that aims to discharge all pollutants in the nation’s waters. The litigants claim that the company uses development and oil exploration techniques at its Orcutt Hill oil field operation that threaten endangered species in nearby waters and make it impossible for people to swim and recreate safely.

The Orcutt Hill oil operation lawsuit is the kind of litigation taken on by law firms that specialize in helping ordinary people stand up to big corporations—corporations that put profits over the health and well-being of people.

The Need For Clean Water

America is not only an island nation; it is in many respects a riverine nation. The country is filled with rivers, creeks, and streams that people use for both drinking water and recreation. Many regions contain large deposits of ground water, which is important for irrigation. The contamination of any of these water sources can lead to disaster for the local residents who depend on them. If pollutants find their way into ground water, it can lead to the failure of crops and the financial ruin of farmers. If families drink water or allow their children to swim in oceans, lakes, and creeks that have been poisoned, it can lead to life-long illness and death.

The country is built on free enterprise and innovation. However, these cannot be pursued in a harmful and reckless fashion. Certain rules exist for the purpose of protecting the public against the harmful effects of pollutants. When oil, gas, and energy companies decide to flout the rules to increase their bottom line, they must be held accountable.

The circumstances surrounding the Orcutt Hill oil operation lawsuit is a case in point. The litigants charge that the Pacific Coast Energy Company (PCEC) has been illegally discharging suspended solids, grease, oil, and other pollutants into storm water in violation of California law and the Clean Water Act. Specifically, say the litigants, the company has failed to conduct the proper sampling and monitoring that is required by their permit.

It is this kind of alleged reckless behavior that law firms that specialize in water contamination cases can help people discourage and curtail. Filing a Clean Water Act lawsuit against a large company is not an act of futility; it is an act of responsibility and necessity. If it is not done, then certain companies will continue to behave as bad actors; they will continue to put entire communities at risk, and this is just unacceptable.

How A Lawyer Can Help

If you are a private citizen who is suffering from an illness caused by contaminated water or you are an environmental group that needs outside counsel to bring a lawsuit against a big polluter, you should contact a law firm that has significant experience and expertise in this field.

A Clean Water Act lawsuit is difficult to win. Companies that pollute have armies of attorneys at their disposal. They will use a variety of tactics to delay the proceedings, obfuscate the facts, and bully the litigants into submission. You need a tough, determined, highly effective lawyer who understands how such companies work and is familiar enough with the issue to bring the relevant facts, the forensic evidence, and the right bits of law to bear on the case.

Not all such lawsuits end with a trial. But if your lawyer is good, they will be able to force the respondent to settle for an amount that is commensurate with the severity of the misdeed and the pain and suffering you’ve had to endure because of it.  At the Law Offices of Sadaka Associates, we are trained and experienced in handling this type of large scale litigation.  Contact us for a free consultation today.



Principal & Founder
This article was written by Mark Sadaka, a seasoned trial lawyer in nationally significant cases. He fearlessly champions clients impacted by fatal or severe injuries caused by others or corporations. Renowned for his expertise in complex litigation, he's featured in books, sought after by media for interviews, and a highly sought speaker. Notably, he exclusively represents individuals facing life-changing injuries or substantial financial losses.

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