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The Best of 2012, A Year In Review

This article was originally posted on

This is the perfect time to take a look back at the year that has come to an end and feel gratitude for all the good fortune that has come my way. Each year since I started my firm the blessings continue to flow.

Before We Start…


I would like to thank my wonderful team. I could not accomplish anything without their hard work and dedication.

I also would like to thank my clients. Thank you for trusting me with helping your through trying times. I feel truly fortunate to do such meaningful work.

Here We Go….

The year started off strong. In January 2012 I was nationally published in the legal journal “Trial” on the topic of electronic discovery. Discovery is the period of time during a lawsuit that both sides learn about each other. Since our world revolves around technology, most of the information that is exchanged is in an electronic format. This article warned attorneys about critical “hidden” information in electronic discovery that can be destroyed.

In February, a potential client sent us flowers because he appreciated the time and effort we took in reviewing his case. Although we were not able to help him, he sent us these flowers as a thank you. Things like this make the hard work worth it.


In March my firm and family helped organize our local Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Gala that raised over $850,000.00 for diabetes research. We not only sponsored the event but volunteered our time at the Gala’s silent auction. What an exciting event for an important cause.


Also in March a client sent us an inspirational statue and chocolate covered strawberries because we took her case. The strawberries are long gone, but the statue sits on her case manager’s desk to this day!


In April I passed my final exam for the Inn of Court, a two-year trial advocacy program for which I was selected among a competitive pool of applicants. For my exam I was instructed to give an opening statement for the defendants in a personal injury case. Upon my graduation, I was bestowed the title of “Barrister”. Sounds fancy right?

In April I was again nationally published on the topic of critical analysis of scientific data, an important topic for lawyers who deal in medicine. The article was published in the Spring 2012 Product Liability Section Newsletter. You can read the article here – Critical Analysis of Scientific Data: Introduction to Funder Bias.

…And in May, on a personal note, my beautiful son was born. How could anything top that?


In June my firm sponsored a golf outing to raise money for the homeless. It was a beautiful event that was cut short because of a major storm.


Also, my wife and I attended a dinner and reception in Morristown, NJ to celebrate the election of the new president of the New Jersey Association for Justice. It was the first time since my son was born that we were able to go out!

In July I travelled to Omaha, Nebraska to successfully mediate a case that has been in litigation for several years. I was so satisfying to reach an agreeable outcome for my client, who was very pleased. I had never been to Omaha before, but what an interesting place with the friendliest people I’ve ever met.

I am known to enjoy a cigar now and then. Omaha has a great cigar bar called "Havana Garage".
I am known to enjoy a cigar now and then. Omaha has a great cigar bar called “Havana Garage”.

In July I was asked to join the Board of Governors of the New Jersey Trial Lawyers Association. The Board of Governors is an elite group of attorneys that manage the affairs of the organization. I was honored to be asked and privleged to serve such a great organization.

In October New Jersey Super Lawyers & Rising Stars selected me to the “2013 Rising Stars List.”. This is my second selection to a Rising Stars list! The New York Metro Super Lawyers & Rising Stars named me to the “2011 Rising Stars List.” A “Rising Star” is anyone under the age of 40 who has proven to be a leader in his/her area of practice. I feel both thrilled and honored to be recognized among such a talented group of attorneys. I will attend the reception in a few months.

This is my plaque from the 2011 New York Metro Rising Stars list.
This is my plaque from the 2011 New York Metro Rising Stars list.

In November my firm was a platinum sponsor for the New Jersey Trial Lawyers’ Meadowlands Seminar. This is a very important annual event for attorney education.

In December we expanded our staff with another full-time attorney. As mentioned, I am forever grateful to my wonderful staff. For without their hard work and collaborative spirit, none of this would be possible. I would not be able to accomplish a fraction of what I do without their hard work.

Thank You Clients

Finally, I also want to thank my clients for entrusting your cases with me. I am so grateful for that privilege. Thank you to all the wonderful people who have supported me through inspirational blog post and tweet responses too. You are all the reason I get to wake up every morning and fulfill my dreams by doing work that I love. What could be better?

So as I look ahead to 2013 there is much excitement and anticipation for the hard work and good fortune that made 2012 an amazing year. Happy New Year everyone!



Principal & Founder
This article was written by Mark Sadaka, a seasoned trial lawyer in nationally significant cases. He fearlessly champions clients impacted by fatal or severe injuries caused by others or corporations. Renowned for his expertise in complex litigation, he's featured in books, sought after by media for interviews, and a highly sought speaker. Notably, he exclusively represents individuals facing life-changing injuries or substantial financial losses.

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